Find and share recipes
Project Overview
The motivation for our application is based on the lack of organized information about one of the essentials of life. There’s a lot of scattered information and we want a centralized, organized platform for food and recipes that we think are essential for your health. Our platform is for the health-conscious, food-loving individuals who want to explore new recipes related to their dietary needs.

My Contributions
● Worked in a team of 3 to implement a web-based application which allows users to share recipes amongst each other● Led the user interface design and used Figma to deliver hi-fi wireframes
● Used React.js to create major front-end components such as the form, homepage, about page, and a profile page ● Built RESTful API using Express.js to support web application
● Used Firebase to create an online database to handle information about the recipes that are posted in the app
Palate is a social media application where food lovers can simply browse through content such as pictures, videos and more. Palate focuses on providing users with recommendations based on their dietary interests. The application will initially survey new users in order to match them with the content or other users who are sharing content that resonates with their interests. We understand that each user has a different taste, this is why users can also filter out content using the tag system to further the matching experience. When users interact with posts they are able to get more information such as recipes and similar meals.

Our users are fitness experts, parents, nutritionists, chefs, restaurant owners, and meal preppers.  We provide a plethora of alternatives to help those improve and try different, unique meals. Our aim is to build a community that shares health-conscious recipes and ideas about food.

This is a long-overdue need in our market. As technology is developing as should everything else in the world. Unfortunately, there isn't a platform where one can easily discuss all the wonderful delicacies all over the world. It would be truly amazing to have a place where everyone can share their food experiences together.

The only competition that would be remotely close would be Google. Users are able to search for recipes and meals and get lots of results and recipes that are unorganized, unsortable and unfilterable. Google's main focus is on quickly providing results but our goal is to make the process of looking for specific diets and recipes online simple and interactive while providing an enjoyable environment with the choice of interacting with other users.

UX/UI | Full-stack developer
Apr 2015 — Mar 2016